Breeze Plugin Can’t Create Cache File – 100% Solved advanced-cache.php drop in error

Problem (advanced-cache.php drop in)
The thing is that the website is hosted on Cloudways-managed servers and they use varnish and the breeze plugin to optimize the website for users. But sometimes we need to debug some issue for which we disabled the cache plugin i.e., the breeze plugin. Now the problem arises –
Breeze settings will not reflect because there is a file permission issue -
/public_html/wp-content/advanced-cache.php file is not writable.
This error usually appears on all backend pages, Dashboard, pages, plugins etc. The reason is that we make some changes on the server and disable the breeze plugin which deletes that advanced-cache.php drop-in which can be seen under the plugins sections tab.
the path ‘/public_html/wp-content/’ doesn’t have the advanced-cache.php file either.
So to solve this issue there are only two steps which need to be done so that the breeze plugin can create that advanced-cache.php file again. It’s just the file permission problem which has to be reset. So the steps are –
- Login to your Cloudways account
- Open the WordPress application in which you are facing the problem
- Click on Application Settings and then click on the refresh icon after the user name. It will reset the file and folder permission. Check the screenshot attached below for any reference.
Note – When you will click on the refresh button make sure you select the proper user else the problem will not solve. You may see something like master_yhulsjo and the default one. You need to select the default one as shown in the image below.

- Now enable the breeze plugin which you might have already done that’s why you are seeing the error.
- Open the breeze plugin settings –
- Enable the cache system, scroll down and then click on Save Changes. It should work now and doesn’t throw any errors.

Finally, you can manually check if it’s working or not i.e., cache true. Just open plugins and select the drop-ins, and you will see the advanced-cache.php mentioned there. Check the screenshot attached.

If you face any problems then comment down we will love to hear about your experience.
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